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喜剧片 笑破铁幕下载地址


笑破铁幕是河马BT电影站小编为大家收集的一部来自美国的喜剧片,该部电影名叫《笑破铁幕》是在1984年年拍摄的,并在上映,河马BT电影站小编从网上搜集到该片最新的格式是HD ,这部喜剧片是由大卫·扎克,杰瑞·扎克,吉姆·艾布拉姆斯导演执导,由方·基默  彼得·库欣  杰瑞米·坎普  沃伦·克拉克  吉姆·卡特  奥等明星领衔主演,讲述了This movie truly is another great work from David Zucker and Jim Abrahams. In some scenes you will l... ,具体的剧情小编就不多说了,请给位自己用迅雷下载笑破铁幕观看吧。
This movie truly is another great work from David Zucker and Jim Abrahams. In some scenes you will laugh so hard that you have to pause the movie and laugh for five minutes then play it again! and Val Kilmer does a great acting for his first movie!I don"t know why this movie is not rated high(although for a comedy movie 7 is a high rate)but this is really one of the best comedies ever made.and a great movie to watch even and specially if you"re not in a good mood.If you found Airplane! funny then watching this one is highly recommended. It has the same stupid and totally funny jokes and same sense of humor.it also is the best parody for WW2 spy movies. So buy the DVD for its really worth it.搜索关键字:笑破铁幕迅雷下载_笑破铁幕BT种子_笑破铁幕种子_笑破铁幕BT下载就可以找到我们。请记住我们的网址:http://www.hemabt.com/btcontent/43749.html。


4. 【笑破铁幕】下载后如文件后缀非.rmvb格式,修改后缀为.rmvb便可正常播放。
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